Your Guide to Success


August 13, 2020
The Month The Earth Stood Still – How Do You Make Things Move?

Based on a report in BBC News on July 24, 2020, an international team of researchers reported that the March-May period during the lockdown of the pan...

July 28, 2020
Losing 80% Of My Net Worth

I mentioned in our first episode that I lost nearly 80% of my net worth during the Great Recession (Financial Crisis). I didn’t want to leave everybod...

July 14, 2020
Welcome to the Biz Sherpa

Welcome to the BizSherpa Podcast with your host Craig Willett. From humble beginnings as a CPA, Craig grew his practice to over 700 small business cl...

June 09, 2020
Sherpa’s Cave

I am honored that you would allow me to join you on your journey to the top. It is my aspiration after more than 35 years experiencing the challenges...



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